$77 $37

The Truth Is I Can Explain You In Correct Days To Turned into A Completely Effective
Fighter In A Staunch-existence Violent Bump into

“I will’t assume how many hours of my existence I’ve wasted on fight coaching. They’d perhaps non-public confirmed me these items on my first day of usual and or now no longer it’s all I could perhaps perhaps ever non-public wished. It’s in actuality easy a monkey could perhaps perhaps study it.”

— Todd Lamb

I promise you lawful now that I will inspire you lend a hand your loved ones and your guests safe from would-be attackers.

In level of fact: rising the tactics I are looking out for to share with you the contrivance in which I present you have to perhaps feel love you’re in actuality downloading them at present into your nerves and muscles in an extremely immediate time!

Now you are doubtlessly pondering… “So if these tactics are in actuality easy and so monumental, how advance I’ve by no contrivance heard about them?”

Seek for: let me be fully definite right here…

These solutions are deadly and so they are designed to lend a hand you when your safety and even your existence are at threat…

I CANNOT educate you how to construct up an MMA battle or step in the ring with a boxer…

Those things non-public guidelines. And you in actuality DO want to spend years and years mastering the sophisticated art that can raise you victory there.

What I’m talking about though is violence with out guidelines…

  • I’m talking in regards to the man who blindsides you whereas you’re walking some distance flung from the ATM…
  • …the punk who threatens to beat down you and your girl excellent for enjoyable as you’re leaving the movie theatre…
  • …the asshole who wants to beat the piss out of you because he’s having a unsuitable day and you excellent bumped his automotive in a fender bender…
  • Or worse… a fender bender in essentially the most bad intersection on this planet — the “Holy Fuck Circle” in Kabul, Afghanistan… [ I’ll tell you that story in a minute so stick around… It’s worth it… ]

Seek for. There are excellent no guidelines for shit love that. You MUST attain what or now no longer it’s some distance a have to to realize to accumulate and safe away. Because assume me, the unsuitable man doesn’t take note carefully about “combating soiled”…

Hear: If You Don’t Comprise Battle Skills This day…

You Can Produce One Of Three Things:


You could perhaps settle for the disgrace of being helpless and pretend it doesn’t disaster you to cower from a battle and leave your guests and cherished ones helpless… you have to perhaps perhaps bow all the contrivance in which down to bullies and hope they leave you in peace… you have to perhaps perhaps live with the phobia of sparkling you have to perhaps perhaps properly be needless in a battle… And you have to perhaps settle for the disgrace that your cherished ones make now no longer non-public any protection from violent attackers…


You could perhaps safe mad and bitter… rage about how the world is stuffed with dicks and a bullies. You could perhaps advise about how unfair existence is and the contrivance in which you by no contrivance did anything to these bullies so why are they selecting on you!…


Or I could perhaps perhaps manufacture the superb cheap replace…

The likelihood to undercover agent the TRUTH about what it takes to dominate a battle… and the arrangement to by no contrivance be stunned when faced with a bully or a violent attacker again…

The likelihood to face as a guardian between the folk you enjoy and those who would attain them damage…

The likelihood to wake up every morning sparkling you have to perhaps face with out reference to dangers lurk on the market on the streets and that you have to perhaps provide protection to the folk you enjoy.

Endure in solutions:

Like Martial Arts Suggestions Are A Break Of Time

Yes… you heard that lawful…

You inspect: After years of chasing down every “secret” battle methodology I could perhaps perhaps safe my hands on, I made up my solutions it became once time to REALLY take a look at my abilities.

As crazy as it sounds… I forced myself to safe into over 600 fights, retaining folk safe in the seediest and most bad bar in my verbalize of birth, which I’ll present you about in a minute…

And then working alongside a few of essentially the most elite armed forces fashions on this planet I volunteered for EVERY job that I thought would assign me in harms contrivance…

And I found a sad, sad reality. I had taken the prolonged facet road to studying how to battle. And plenty of the stuff that worked in the dojo became once a total flop — or downright bad — against precise violence.

I spent years studying shit that didn’t work. And in the stay found that there are in actuality handiest a handful of easy — almost instinctive — battle tactics or now no longer it’s some distance a have to to know to defeat any opponent…

Which is why I’m sharing my chronicle with you.

I don’t want you to break all that time, money and energy love I did. Or worse…

I don’t want you to fail to study the abilities that can lend a hand you and those round you safe when shit hits the fan… all since you thought it would take you years to study to defend your self.

I want you to non-public the straightforward system I found thru years of trial and blunder in the trenches after actually hundreds of fights. I tried every thing in scream that you don’t want to. And you you have to perhaps want safe admission to to the in actuality easy tactics you have to perhaps master in fair hours…

Turned into A Succesful Fighter In HOURS

(As a replacement Of Years!)

Endure in solutions: Though this Plan took years to superb, it actually handiest takes me hours to point out it to any man with the will to study.

I promise I will manufacture you a very, very capable fighter the use of these step-by-step tactics over a single weekend when you put collectively your self…

As an illustration, you’ll rapid master…

The Middle Line Strike — as instinctive as a knee-jerk when the doc assessments your reflexes — that can stun or even knock your opponent out today so that you have to perhaps rapid retreat…

(Be cautious though because when you don’t attain this the contrivance in which I educate you it would in actuality cause death…)

The unorthodox “Blitz Blast” that’s a devastating flurry designed to weigh down your opponent in nanoseconds.

The Power Hijack contrivance that faucets into your body’s reflexes to deflect and harness your attackers force against him…

The Surgical Strike solutions love Underhand Ocular Support watch over that at present weigh down your attacker thru big neurological disruption with out reference to how disciplined they are…

(…These are especially efficient against a stronger opponent because they require miniature or no energy…)

The One And Finished Principle that makes a hit a battle easy and as regards to unavoidable by laying aside all of the advanced tactics most fight instructors are attempting to coach their college students…

As a replacement I educate you to today inspect your opponents one most inclined plot and react with a SINGLE, instinctive and overwhelming response…

And that’s excellent the tip of the iceberg. I barely non-public time to point out you about…

The Tipping Point Principle that enables you to instinctively know when it’s time to shift from defense to attack…

Or the Third Compare situational awareness tactics that turns you into a digital Jedi who can subconsciously sense refined cues that toughen your capacity to examine and capitalize on openings left by your opponents…

And tons more and tons, much more…

All the stuff that in actuality WORKS. Since it has been tested in the trenches time after time…

Endure in solutions how I suggested you I forced myself to safe into over 600 fights in expose to forge a combating contrivance that in actuality works in precise existence?

Correctly forward of joining the armed forces I got myself a job as a bouncer in the toughest, seediest bar in my metropolis — a verbalize where I became once somewhat much assured to position my abilities to the take a look at no now no longer up to once every shift…

I’m continually seeking efficient coaching that can give my troops an edge over the a monumental amount of threats that people of the Canadian Protection force (CAF) are faced with on a day-to-day foundation — be it at dwelling or abroad. John has been deployed in very adverse environments and he’s no longer any doubt among the Fittest, Technically and Tactically sound, Mission Centered people of his profession.

I reached out to safe a comprehensive knowing of his Fight Fighter program and additionally the many rather a lot of coaching programs offered. I introduced him in for single day of coaching at a native facility, to educate Individuals of the Most most essential Reserve (PRES) Power who had at the time diminutive to no coaching in John’s plot of skills. I will truthfully allege that the response from my troops became once overwhelmingly certain. John’s tutorial methodology, contrivance, drills, alternate secrets and skills ha has developed over his amount of years of service coupled, along with his special forces coaching, proved to be a no BS brutally efficient hand at hand combating system that I had now no longer been uncovered to in my 25+ years as an Non Commissioned Member (NCM) in the Fight Arms/CAF. To for the time being I non-public Troops asking me “when is John coming lend a hand to kick our ass”.

For any individual wishing to study efficient hand at hand fight in a transient period of time, John’s Fight Fighter is the superb system I could perhaps perhaps advocate.

— Regimental Sergeant Most most essential of the Royal Ontario Regiment

I forced myself to lend a hand working that job till my pre-battle nerves excellent disappeared…

Once my legs stopped shaking at any time after I anticipated the delivery up of another battle, I knew I could perhaps perhaps by some means switch on…

And that became once the first proving ground for the abilities which will most certainly be now the foundation for my combating system. All that became once left at that level were a handful of proven, tested and straightforward to use tactics that work at any time when.

You inspect, with out reference to how many fancy abilities I tested out. It continually got right here all the contrivance in which down to a handful of easy — almost instinctive — tactics that assured victory at any time when.

The fondness stuff almost continually ended up with me nursing a bloody nose, or worse, the disgrace of me getting saved by one of my fellow bouncers. So handiest essentially the most brutal, efficient, and straightforward tactics survived those testing grounds.

Hear: the straightforward system I perfected took me years to resolve out…

I sought out and absorbed the combating secrets taught handiest by an elite handful of instructors who are referred to as upon to educate the superb stage special operations fashions all the contrivance in which thru the world…

These are the tactics utilized by the SEALs and Delta Power in the usa, British SAS, Canada’s JTF-2, Israeli Special Forces, Australia’s Tactical Assault Neighborhood and every assorted tier 1 spec ops unit all the contrivance in which thru the world.

And I’ve spent endless hours testing every methodology and forging handiest essentially the most efficient and most efficient ones into a single easy-to-master system.

This contrivance has now been battle tested by both civilians with zero skills AND hardened occupation soldiers. And it excellent undeniable works.

What attain you suspect could perhaps perhaps be a excellent put to know with certain wager that

you have to perhaps provide protection to your self and your cherished ones — and produce absolute

CONTROL over bullies and criminals who intend you damage

While you’re being fully snug with your self, I wager you’d allege $197 or more could perhaps perhaps be fully snug to feel that roughly self perception… to know you have to perhaps want the POWER to manufacture someone pay for threatening you (with out ever spending years in a dojo studying forms and katas)…

(Heck, I wager you’d assume that became once cheap to by no contrivance want to feel “stunned” or “cowardly” again for the comfort of your existence…)

I mean, $197 is reasonably rather a lot of money, but eager by how this is in a position to perhaps perhaps alternate your existence forever and by some means present you with total self-assurance so that you have to perhaps spend your time LIVING your existence in its build of looking out over your shoulder and questioning what you have to perhaps perhaps attain if someone threatened your cherished ones…

Correctly, for those who word at it that contrivance it seems somewhat reasonably priced, doesn’t it?

But after bigger than two decades in the armed forces, doing with out reference to I will to lend a hand and provide protection to my fellow man, there’s one undeniable fact I’ve learned over and once more.

That even for those who want one thing plenty and KNOW it’s a once-in-a-lifetime deal, as a man who’s spent rather a lot of your existence PROTECTING and GIVING to others…

In most cases it feels very unlikely to be “selfish” and give your self what you so desperately want…

Which is why I’m going to realize one thing roughly bad right here…

No longer a threat to you…

But a substantial threat to me…

Compare, my mission in existence is to support guys love YOU assign bullies and criminals of their verbalize, even though it contrivance revealing this methodology to civilian males all the contrivance in which thru the world at monumental threat to myself…

I realize now that is the course I started down on that fateful night so prolonged in the past after I made the decision to study to present protection to myself and the harmless folk round me…

And if I want to threat every thing to inspire you attain the the same?…

…Correctly that’s a put I’m extraordinarily gay to pay…

So right here’s what I’m going to realize…

We’ve already agreed that the Fight Fighter Plan is value no now no longer up to $197.

But, since you’ve study this some distance and given me a few of your treasured time…

I’m now no longer going to quiz you to invest $197.

I’m now no longer even going to quiz you to pay $97 (although I do know you’ll agree that will perhaps perhaps properly be a rob)…

No, for you (and for now) I’m going to realize one thing a bit bit “CRAZY”…

For thus prolonged as this online page is up (and now no longer a moment longer) I’m going to construct of dwelling YOUR PRICE for the “Fight Fighter Plan” at excellent ONE single price of $77…

And when you act RIGHT NOW I’ll take money out of my have pocket and present you with a whopping 60% Off…

That contrivance when you fair click the button underneath lawful now you’ll safe all of the Fight Fighter Plan for the severely discounted put of…

Correct $37!

(Instantaneous Action Bargain — One Per Customer)

That’s the snug files

The unsuitable files is to “lock in” your good deal or now no longer it’s some distance a have to to act lawful now.


Correctly, love I said earlier… I’m taking a threat right here…

There’s a excellent likelihood that if the “brass” finds this online page they’ll rip it off the fetch faster than a surgical strike on a Taliban effort cell…

Nonetheless, even though it’s bad I dangle love your safety is more essential to me.

I want you to non-public these abilities. Which is why I’m giving you this sort of crazy-low put this day.

I want as many males as imaginable to safe safe admission to to this Plan whereas it’s silent imaginable.

Because there’s a excellent alternate when you advance tomorrow to come the plot will already be suppressed.

Oh, and superb to put off every excuse your mind can advance up with now no longer to realize this on your self…

REMEMBER: I’m going to lend a hand every thing I’ve said up with a

frankly-amazing 100% Money-Motivate yell…

You inspect I’m in a position to completely yell this Plan will give you the results you want.

These solutions non-public been field tested in essentially the most bad areas on this planet. And they work at any time when.

In level of fact I’ll present you with a lifetime yell so that you have to perhaps take a look at every thing out to substantiate the Plan works for you.

If for with out reference to cause you’re now no longer confident on your abilities after going thru the system excellent let me know and I’ll present you with a plump refund, no questions asked.

In spite of every thing, I non-public plump self perception that these items works for everybody since these solutions saved my existence bigger than once…

Assured To Work For You

(Or You Salvage Every Penny Motivate)

Seek for, when you’re now no longer gay yet…

If there’s a silent a miniature screech at the lend a hand of your head that isn’t reasonably definite…

Let me attain yet one more ingredient to manufacture this the very best assortment of your existence…

And to manufacture definite you don’t let “dread of remorse” lend a hand you from taking excellent thing about this fabulous opportunity…

Compare, I want you to feel deep on your coronary heart and deep on your soul that you’re getting an amazing deal that you have to perhaps perhaps even be proud of…

Heck, I want you to feel love you “assign one over on meby doing what I do know you have to realize so badly and enrolling in the Plan this day…

That’s why I’ve got 3 Very Special Items for you excellent for saying

“Presumably” to the Fight Fighter Plan this day…

First I’ll present you with my Evolved Situational Consciousness manual that can inspire you fair detect, defuse or lend a hand some distance flung from ability violence

Finding out your disaster objectively and skillfully can actually be the adaptation between existence and death…

Too many guys dawdle thru existence love blind sheep — fully trusting that decency and the guidelines of society will provide protection to them…

Hear, that’s excellent naive. And it’s DANGEROUS to you and your cherished ones…

You don’t want to be paranoid or change into a conspiracy theorist. In level of fact as a Special Forces operator if I let that happen I doubtlessly would non-public long gone crazy…

The easy observation, scanning and monitoring tactics in the Evolved Situational Consciousness handbook non-public been thoroughly tested and proven in the sphere to work over and once more so to lend a hand some distance flung from violence forward of it begins.

And every capacity on this easy-to-realize book will rapid change into second nature so to lend a hand your self and your cherished ones safe with out even obsessive about it!…

Your second present is a extreme instrument referred to as the Alpha Survival manual…

You could perhaps concentrate on this as your BIG PICTURE belief for retaining your self and your cherished ones safe in an emergency. I quilt every thing from a easy vitality outage to an all out terrorist attack and every thing in between.

And I present you with all of the skilled tricks and tactics or now no longer it’s some distance a have to to continue to exist and even thrive in the chaos of an emergency disaster.

This straightforward handbook will manufacture YOU the man every person turns to when the shit hits the fan, since you’ll non-public the abilities to manufacture definite folk discontinuance safe.

Your third present is one thing special. In level of fact, I will’t attain this for everybody…

It’s referred to as the Alpha Nation online-coaching neighborhood…

At some stage in my time in the armed forces, there’s one ingredient above all others that pushed me to be the finest I will seemingly be. It became once the team of workers of fellows at my lend a hand.

It’s a undeniable fact that lend a hand, put collectively up and accountability are the #1 secret to success in anything. Which is why I became once inspired to support found a one-of-a-fashion neighborhood of motivated males referred to as Alpha Nation. And…

I are looking out for to safe you into the membership for FREE so that you have to perhaps inspect the vitality on your self. So I’ve arranged for you to non-public FREE safe admission to for the following 30 days to inspire you safe a head delivery up on mastering the Fight Fighter abilities.

That’s now no longer all though… you’ll additionally salvage hundreds of varied videos and articles covering every facet of being a properly rounded, revered and extremely popular man and leader.

You’ll undercover agent every thing from how to continue to exist an urban disaster to deadly ground-combating tactics to trimming your beard and every thing in between — including precious files on how every man can simply safe and discontinuance in high bodily form.

Endure in solutions, right here is handiest free for a in point of fact diminutive time because I’m handiest in a position to settle for a diminutive amount of males into this distinctive coaching neighborhood. So act now to stable this free $seventy 9 value bonus this day…

Now Think On This…

I make now no longer are looking out for to sound harsh right here, but concentrate on this for a second…

How would you are feeling if — God forbid — tomorrow to come, subsequent week, or even years from now, you salvage your self in a disaster where folks’s lives rely on you, and you realize that when you’d taken up that Fight Fighter Plan, you have to perhaps perhaps’ve been their guardian angel?

I completely hope there will by no contrivance advance this sort of time, but let’s face it…

Simply now, the threat of discovering your self in a disaster where you have to perhaps perhaps want to defend your self and your cherished ones from outdoor threats is greater than it has ever been.

These are bad instances.

Terrorist attacks,

dwelling invasions,


violence, and brutality are the realities of our days.

At this very moment the bullies and unsuitable guys are on the market practicing violence, and getting better at it at any time when…

Why have to no longer you be making willing to beat them at their game?

The United States and every free nation on Earth needs its voters willing to point out the tides, most definitely now bigger than ever.

Completely males love you and me can in actuality manufacture our nation safe again. That vitality lies on your hands.

John Sad

John Sad

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